четвъртък, 3 юли 2008 г.

My Favorite Sites About Aviation

As I am interested in aviation for years, I wanted to share with you several great sites about aviation, flying, airplanes and pilots. I'll be very happy if you can also share your favorite sites.

The Helicopters Pilot Guide. This is an excellent site with a lot of information for everyone who may want to fly a helicopter. There is a lot of free information, discussion forums and downloads.

All about Ultralight Airplanes is another pure informative site with great articles about ultralight aviation and flying. As a true helicopter fan, I of course enjou their ultralight helicopter section most.

A-Z of paragliding is a website which offers a directory of paragliding related websites and services listed by country. Very cool!

If you want to skydive, on Skydiving Schools Worldwide will help you find a skydiving school near you. That's another great service.

Finally, many people prefer hang gliding over paragliding because of some of its specifics. If you are one of them, The Worlds Largest Hang Gliding Community is the place where to look for information, people and events about this activity.

Of course there are thousnands of other interesting sites about aviation, but obviously I can't read them all. However I'll be hapy if you share yours.

1 коментар:

arnv каза...

Useful links!
Thanks for sharing!!